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Creating Pages in Gatsby


There is more than one way of creating pages in Gatsby. One way is to make React components inside of src/pages folder. Another way is doing it programmatically using createPages API provided by the framework.

Creating Pages From React Components

It is very easy to make a new page. Create a React Component inside of src/pages.

// src/pages/contact.js

import React from 'react';

const Contact = () => {
  return <h1>Contact Page</h1>;

export default Contact;

Gatsby automatically makes a route for a page using the name of its file. You can access the src/pages/contact.js component in /contact route.

Adding pages to a folder creates nested routes. For example, you can reach a page made in src/pages/products/shirts.js via /products/shirts route.

You can create an index.js file inside of the folder to create a page for the root route. Making a component in src/pages/products/index.js creates a page for the /products route.

Creating Pages Programmatically

Making pages by hand sometimes is impossible. You might not know what pages you will need. For example, you can get data for your pages at build time from an API. This data can change and you need to create or remove pages accordingly.

You can dynamically create pages using createPages API inside of gatsby-node.js file.

  1. Open or create the gatsby-node.js file in the root directory of your project

  2. Create a function for your implementation of createPages

    // gatsby-node.js
    exports.createPages = ({ actions }) => {
      const { createPage } = actions;

    Gatsby provides an object containing helper functions as the first argument of createPages. You can destructure this object to access the actions object. You then extract createPage function from it, which you use to create new pages.

  3. Use the createPage function with your data to create as many pages as you need

    const path = require(`path`);
    exports.createPages = ({ actions }) => {
      const { createPage } = actions;
      const productTemplate = path.resolve(`src/templates/product.js`);
      const products = [
          name: 'shirt',
          price: 20,
          quantity: 3,
          name: 'pants',
          price: 40,
          quantity: 7,
      products.forEach(product => {
          path: `product/${}`,
          component: productTemplate,
           context: {

    As an example I have hard-coded an array of products (line 7). In your project the data can come from many different sources.

    The createPage function requires a path you use as the route to access this page in the browser. It also requires a component, which is a path to a React component you want to use for this page.

    You can pass data to the component’s props via the context property. You can use the spread syntax on the product object to pass its properties one by one to context.

  4. Create a template for the pages

    // src/templates/product.js
    import React from 'react';
    const Product = ({ pageContext: { name, price, quantity } }) => {
      return (
          <h1>Page for {name}</h1>
          <p>Price: {price}</p>
          <p>Available quantity: {quantity}</p>
    export default Product;

    You can access the data you provided to context in the previous step via props.pageContext. The product properties get extracted from pageContext into individual variables using object destructuring.
