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Inline Conditional Rendering in React


You can embed expressions containing logical AND (&&) operator inside of JSX to conditionally render a component.

In JavaScript, an expression of operand1 && operand2 returns the value of operand2 if both of the operands evaluate to true. Otherwise the first operand that evaluates to false is returned.

const App = () => {
  const isVisible = true;

  return <>{isVisible && <Component />}</>;

If isVisible and <Component /> evaluate to true then the {isVisible && <Component />} expression returns the value of <Component /> and React renders that component.

Setting isVisible to any falsy value makes the expression return the current value of isVisible.

React doesn’t render some falsy values - false and null - but it does render 0 and "" (empty string).

Writing the following code renders 0 when the items array is empty.

const App = () => {
  const items = [];

  return <>{items.length && <List />}</>;

To prevent that from happening you have to make the first operand evaluate to a value that React doesn’t render.

You can turn items.length into its corresponding boolean value by using logical NOT (!) operator twice.

const App = () => {
  const items = [];

  return <>{!!items.length && <List />}</>;

You can also use the comparison operator to make the first operand return a boolean value.

const App = () => {
  const items = [];

  return <>{items.length > 0 && <List />}</>;
